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#21 ショーン・ロング選手 契約継続会見実施のご報告


ショーン・ロング選手 コメント

“I am happy to be here to play basketball for one more year. This is my first time returning to an organization as my second year so different for me, and I am having a feeling that I have never had before. At the same time, that will be my new challenge to do a new thing.

One of my biggest reasons to be back to Levanga is Head Coach Sako. He evaluates me well and is one of the best coaches that I have ever had, so I wanted to play basketball with him again. When I came back to Japan and met him, he and I smiled and hugged. I was able to feel that he had been waiting for me and to feel that I was finally back to this team as well. I could tell that he needed me according to his smile since we played together throughout last year.

In addition, I had regrets last season. The team originally had a goal to play in the championship but could not achieve that goal. When looking back each game, I realized that there were games that we could have won and that we should have won, so I was disappointed and had regrets. I came back to this team to clear those regrets that I had.”




Q. About roles
A. I will need to have conversations with coaches regarding my roles of this season, but I believe that my roles and what they want me to do do not change much. Those will be scoring, getting rebounds inside, and doing great defense against big men. This will be relating to a win-lose of the team, so I will try to be responsible to play in those roles. About scoring, I will also try to win the scoring title as one of my personal goals, but more than that, I will do my best to do what I need to do and what I should do in order to help the team make the championship.

Q. 自身の役割について
A. 今季の自分の役割についてはコーチ陣と話をしていかないといけませんが、自分に求められているのは昨年と大きく変わらないと思っています。やはり得点の部分とインサイドでのリバウンド、ビックマンに対するディフェンスは自分に求められてくることだと自負しています。そういった部分はチームの勝敗に大きく影響してくると思うので、責任と自覚を持って臨んでいきたいと思います。得点について、目指すところの一つが得点王のタイトルです。ただ、それ以上にチームとしてCSに出場するために自分が必要なこと、やるべきことに対して努力をしていきたいと思います。

Q. Impressions of Motum and Murphy
A. Motum has a good shooting skill, which I believe that the team needs, so I will try to play to help him use his skill as much as possible. Murphy has an experience to play in Japan and fully understands Japanese basketball, so I believe that if he shows his knowledge that he has earned on the court, the team will definitely work better.

Q. モータム選手、マーフィー選手の印象
A. モータム選手はシュートスキルがあります。そこはチームが必要としていた部分だと思うので、彼のシューティングスキルを活かすようなプレーをしていきたいと思います。マーフィー選手は日本での経験があり、日本のバスケを理解している選手ですので、彼の知識をコートで表現してもらえたら良いかたちでチームが機能するのではないかと思います。

Q. Messages to the fans
A. I have received a lot of kind messages through social media. I really appreciate the fans that came to the arena to watch our games for making great atmosphere and for supporting us no matter when we won or lost. I would like the fans to keep supporting us no matter we have a good or bad time since the support from the fans means so much to us, so let’s fight together. Again, thank you very much for the support.

Q. ブースターへのメッセージ
A. これまで、SNSを通してブースターの方々から温かいメッセージをいただきました。昨季会場にお越しいただいた方々も、会場で良い雰囲気を作っていただいたので非常に感謝しています。また、勝っても負けてもチームを支えてくれていることに対してもありがたく思っています。引き続き、チームを支えていただきたいですし、良い時も、たとえ悪い時でも、どんな時でも支えていただければそれがチームの力になりますので、自分たちと一緒に戦っていただければと思います。今シーズンも応援よろしくお願いします。




